Game development go brrr

King Arthur's Gold Intern

After making a few mods for the game, I was offered access to the closed source engine for King Arthur's Gold.

The engine is written in C++ 11, using Irrlicht for rendering, box2d for physics and ENet for networking. I mainly focused on adding new modding features, security fixes and patching crashes.

This was my first time doing anything on a more 'professional' level, I am grateful for the experience Transhuman Design had offered me.


Source Code

Did the GC just free my entire app?

Kindle App

When I first got hired as a junior software developer, my first project was to jailbreak & develop an app for the Kindle. I have taken some time to document the process of developing an app on the Kindle 4th gen (but can also work with different generations).

This has taught me a lot of things, from working with legacy systems (Java 1.2 ME with a broken JVM that is trigger happy with GC), debugging devices with little to no documentation & how to brick kindles..

Template Project (soon)

Blog (soon)

Automate Everything

Blacklake Roleplay

Originally started by a friend of mine, I was responsible for hosting & automating tasks.

The project had some unique problems to automate, from figuring out how to check for mod updates, to creating a faster backup solution that allow for a per-minute rollback.

Incremental Backups

Workshop Checker

All our food keeps blowing up

Territory Control

Territory Control is a KAG mod created by TFlippy, hosted by me. It's core gameplay revolves around setting up a base, recruiting members and quickly arming yourself with world ending weapons.

I was responsible for adding new features (Such as a new gun system, new guns & 'silly' ways to optimize the game), fixing *very* exotic bugs (Such as crashes caused by string hash collisions after hours of gameplay, E button not working when an entity goes out the map) and handling a community of 500+ people.

Source code

*more coming soon*